Hey @leo glad to hear in the latest episode of #securitynow :steve: (Episode 949) that #adblock is not just a way of reducing annoyance but also a #security feature because of the proliferation of #malvertising.
I say all the time on here that using an #adblocker is a way of protecting yourself because ad delivery platforms are a huge vector for malware and #phishing. This would be largely fixable if the owners of these platforms cared, but they don’t.
Sicherheitsforschung: Justizminister will Hackerparagrafen novellieren
Das Identifizieren, Melden und Schließen von Sicherheitslücken soll in einem verantwortlichen Verfahren legal sein, wirbt Buschmann für ethisches Hacken.
Reminder that if you live in the EU, you should spend 5 minutes today to write your MEPs asking them to oppose a disastrous plan to undermine web security.
Copy & pasteable form letter in link.
We beat EU #chatControl because people took action in mass. This is even worse.
This revolutionary tool brings effortless access to private and public services, allowing you to open bank accounts, make payments, and securely store digital documents - all in one place.
With full control over your data, #privacy, and #security, this wallet empowers every citizen, resident, and business.
It is compatible with national eID schemes, enabling you to report data protection violations and enjoy seamless interaction between wallets.
Wer auf der Suche nach (kurzen) Tipps ist, wie er seine Identität im Internet wirksam schützen kann, sollte einen Blick auf 👇 werfen. 31 Tipps für mehr Sicherheit und Privatsphäre im Internet. Gerne mit eigenen Tipps ergänzen.
"The fact that he has continually declined to give evidence, not just to my committee, but now to an unprecedented international grand committee, makes him look like he's got something to hide," he [Damian collins, the head of the committee] said in an emailed statement."
Embed this noticetechriot (techriot@hub.netzgemeinde.eu)'s status on Thursday, 09-Nov-2023 10:03:03 JST
techriotMarshall Sutherland (Posting with Hubzilla) wrote the following post Thu, 09 Nov 2023 09:57:02 +0900Article 45 Will Roll Back Web Security by 12 Years The EU is poised to pass a sweeping new regulation, eIDAS 2.0. Buried deep in the text is Article 45, which returns us to the dark ages of 2011, when certificate authorities (CAs) could collaborate with governments to spy on encrypted traffic—and get away with it. Article 45 forbids browsers from enforcing modern security requirements on certain CAs without the approval of an EU member government. Which CAs? Specifically the CAs that were appointed by the government, which in some cases will be owned or operated by that selfsame government. That means cryptographic keys under one government’s control could be used to intercept HTTPS communication throughout the EU and beyond. #security #surveillance #privacy
"...we are past the point where the actions of individual countries can move the needle on #ClimateChange."
Doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once is the only viable #climate change mitigation strategy that can possibly save #human#civilization and our #species.
On national and international scales, we must all work together on projects like building #HVDC#SuperGrid connectivity.