@p > So by default, cpu(1) and drawterm access don't provide disk services, those are usually diskless.
I almost understand this. Like, I get that my drawterm session _isn't_ necessarily an SSH or VNC session; I'm not on that machine, I'm on a drawterm using that machine for a cpu. `9fs 9fat` says "no 9fat partition found", which leads me to believe I haven't mounted something from the device over my /dev? But I haven't worked out what the #A#S#S#H#O#L#E things are yet... still dumb
> (The punchline is `bind '#S' /dev`. See `man sd`, `cat /dev/drivers`.)
This is a fuckton of information compressed into a parenthetical, I will get back to you when I understand #S and have read the latter two.