#Chrome #Android
Isso aqui vai ficar muito interessante daqui para frente.
#Chrome #Android
Isso aqui vai ficar muito interessante daqui para frente.
Mind you, this still isn't a good excuse to use a Chromium-based browser.
And for all you people using Brave out there, well :corgi_wtf1: 🖕 Brave is run by this guy who hates queer people and believes conspiracy theories about Covid, so maybe don't use his shitty browser that's been caught injecting affiliate links.
#Brave #BraveBrowser #Mozilla #Firefox #Google #Chrome #Chromium #FOSS
Me: Please don't use Chromium-based browsers, use Firefox instead. Google has way too much control over the web because of Chromium and they'll be sure to leverage that in order to benefit themselves.
Chromium: Hey all, we're getting rid of ad-blockers because it's cutting into our record-breaking revenue! I mean, uh, we're deprecating Manifest V2 for, uh, security. Yeah.
Me: See? Please use Firefox. :blobfoxmeltsob:
Mozilla: Hey friends, AI is really cool! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we're making an ads business! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we have a ToS with either the most nefarious or the most incompetent language ever! *steps on rake* Also AI is cool!!!
Me: ... :corgi_wtf1: I hate it here.
it begins #ManifestV3 #Chrome
For everyone with #google #chrome browser using the plugin/ad-filter "UBlock Origin": After the update the plugin stopped working.
Please install "UBlock Origin light" instead ... :-)
Seguid echando mierda a @mozillaofficial que nos va a quedar una Internet muy grande y libre; léase Chrome y sabores.
¿Quién se piensa que #Brave por ejemplo, no tiene esos tipos de términos? Son el puto estándar en el sector. Se limita a los servicios de Firefox / Mozilla. ¿Sabéis lo que significa usar la barra de dirección en #Chrome?
Los softforks son eso: básicamente un "rebranding" y te quito tal cosa o te año tal otra. Esos proyectos no tienen estructura para mantener un navegador.
Firefox and Brave are both solid, reliable browser alternatives to Chrome. Here are five other open-source browsers worth checking out.
#opensource #browser #chrome #firefox #brave
I tried to post this to the Friendica support forum, but it kept timing out when I entered my information. I am now attempting to subscribe to their e-mail list. However, I thought I would write this here so that those who know coding, etc. might be able to offer a solution, or at least, to pass this on to the developers.
I joined Friendica in October of 2024, when Facebook decided to shut down their Basic Mobile site (not app). I am totally blind, and their main page is a nightmare to use with a screen readre (NVDA in my case). I chose Friendica because of the huge character limit, the ability to edit and delete posts, local posting, extensive profiles with keywords, and the ability to connect with all sorts of accounts in the Fediverse. For the most part, I am enjoying my time here. However, I am noticing a lot of inaccessibility on the Friendica page. I am not a programmer, but I'm guessing this is at the core of the software and is not due to the instance I'm using (friendica.world). I am also guessing that the page is not written in HTML5 and does not follow WCAG guidelines, though I may be wrong about that. If not, I strongly urge the developers to review them and implement them if possible. If so, perhaps, some changes can still be made that would make this a more screen reader-friendly site. Note that I tried this with Firefox and Supermium (a direct fork of Chrome).
Mostly, I use TweeseCake to access the site, but there are some things I can't do with that client. All of the following refer to the site itself.
1A. I can't stress how frustrating editing posts is. It sometimes takes over ten minutes. The "edit" option is a link/menu, and it can only be found via another menu. Once I finally find and activate it, I hear the sound indicating that I have entered focus Mode. Usually, this means that I am in an edit box and can type. However, in this case, I am taken back to the main page, as if I never entered the option to edit my post. Using e to try to find an edit box doesn't help, as it just sends me to the replies to different comments. So I am forced to find the post, and start all over again. The only way I can do this successfully is to try to tab through the links/menu at the top of the page (when it works), then through other posts, until, finally, I am placed in an edit box where I can type.
1B. When I go to the Notifications" link, I have to tab to "Mark all System Notifications as Seen". This isn't even a regular link, as I can't copy and paste the text from it. Once I tab to and out of that, I can then read my notifications. But here is what I have to do if I want to see follow requests.
1. Try to get the notifications link to work, then click on it.
2. Tab to marking notifications.
3. Perform a search for the word follow.
4. Click on the link of the notification that someone wants to follow me. I open this in a new window, to try to keep the original one available.
5. Make my choice as to whether to approve that notification, then close that window.
6. Return to the main window. Only now, I am not where I left off. Instead, I am placed back at the beginning of the page and the Notifications menu is not open.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 3.
Ideally, I should be able to go to a normal notifications link, perform steps 3 through 5, then return back to the link, and perform steps 3 through 5 again, as many times as necessary, without having to repeat 1 through 3.
If you want to see a truly accessible site, try this link. I don't work for them, though I do have an account there.
Please, if any changes can be made, I urge you to do so. The site is otherwise a pleasure to use, but my frustration at not being able to easily perform such basic tasks is increasing.
#accessibility #blind #coding #Chrome #Developers #Dreamwidth #Facebook #fediverse #Firefox #Friendica #HTML #HTML5 #NVDA #ScreenReaders #TweeseCake #WCAG #Windows
Thanks to @mike, I just had an epiphany about why centralization of the Internet happened:
Web browsers like #Chrome and #Firefox are stuck in an old paradigm of webpages – which is an ancient way of viewing the web.
But that’s not how the actual web works anymore. The real web is no longer about pages but about feeds, and the folks building web browsers – #Google, #Apple, #Microsoft, and #Mozilla – still don’t realize this.
Even worse, feed functionality that used to exist natively in web browsers no longer exists. For example, it used to be that when you visited a webpage, web browsers would detect an #RSS feed – giving you the option to subscribe. But starting with #Chrome, this feature was removed from modern web browsers.
However, that doesn’t mean feeds have disappeared from the web. No, many have coalesced into walled gardens like #Twitter and #Instagram. And they’re downright hostile towards access if you do not have an account on their services.
But that doesn’t mean feeds have disappeared. Quite the opposite: they’re more prevalent than ever with forums, podcasts, video, and more. They’re still here, just harder to see simply because web browsers are stuck on that webpage paradigm.
So @surf is essentially a web browser, not with a webpage paradigm, but a webfeed paradigm where – instead of inputting URLs into an address bar – it grabs feeds across from RSS, #podcast, and #socialweb feeds.
And frankly, this approach is brilliant. I use #Surf every day, and it’s literally the first thing I check when I wake up in the morning.
With Surf, we’ve moved away from mere #Fediverse clients. Now we have a genuine web browser for feeds!
RE: https://flipboard.social/users/mike/statuses/113896620317035236
AI has made it into the #chrome browser. There's no escaping it anymore. #artificialintelligence
In a post that disappeared, @jwildeboer wrote:
"@rmondello I do note that when I open mondello.com in my browser, I get a placeholder page that is http only, no https. This would be a reason that it *seems* that it is unreachable, because many browsers nowadays refuse to open sites without https."
Unfortunately, that is *not* true. Browsers unnecessarily make the internet LESS SAFE. IT'S CRAZY!
*Some* browsers will try https first when you type http:⧸⧸mondello.com (use // instead of ⧸⧸ I used to prevent Mastodon from showing http://). So far, so good.
However, if an AitM (Attacker in the Middle, such as on public WiFi) blocks traffic from your browser to TCP port 443 (https) on the server, the browser will *silently* try port 80 (http). Pwned.
This may happen in practice, for example on airports (https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/australian-charged-for-evil-twin-wifi-attack-on-plane/).
Except for iOS and iPadOS, most browsers have an "https only" setting that is *OFF* by default, while it's name is misleading.
*On* means that you can still use http, but you'll have to manually agree (you can still access the http devices on your local network, or on the internet. But you will be WARNED).
However, Chrome appears to remember exceptions FOR EVER (I had to delete all browser data to make the last screenshot below. However, that also clears the browser's HSTS database).
On iOS/iPadOS, from Safari, Edge, Firefox and Chrome, only Chrome has this option. So only Chrome provides *some* protection. People do not type "https://" in front of domain names, and most QR-codes I check are insecure.
To test: open http://http.badssl.com. Instead of immediately seeing a (red) webpage, your browser should protect you by asking whether you want to use an http-connection.
Alternative test-site (non-compliant with the Dutch law):
(Gemeente translates to municipality).
(Exactly that is why I wrote this, in Dutch: https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113855174617111536 earlier this afternoon).
Note: Firefox on Android seems to forget "http allowed" exceptions when the browser is fully closed (good).
#httpsOnly #HSTS #httpsvshttp #iOS #iPadOS #Safari #Firefox #Edge #Chrome #Insecure #Infosec
This RAM consumption test between Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera browsers demonstrates which one consumes the least memory. Spoiler alert: Firefox won by a mile.
#firefox #chrome #edge #opera #browser #ram
Google and The Linux Foundation team up for 'Supporters of Chromium-based Browsers' https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/01/google-and-the-linux-foundation-team-up-for-supporters-of-chromium-based-browsers/
So, this might seem small, but it's a really cool step forward for #Verso browser (using the next gen, #Rust based, #multithreaded, memory safe @servo engine rather than #Chrome's monopoly #Blink or #Mozilla's #Gecko engines).
They got tabs!
Doesn't *every* browser have tabs? Sure, but others are basically just GUI's slapped on a couple of pre-existing engines. Verso is rebuilding the browser from the ground up using #Servo and #FOSS, even for the #UI.
Early shots fired, #Blink/#Webkit!
Google abandons its promise to block third-party cookies in Chrome, leaving billions vulnerable to online surveillance. We need strong privacy legislation to fight back. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/google-breaks-promise-block-third-party-cookies
#chrome #privacy
In 2024 #Google forced users to choose between #Chrome and #uBlockOrigin
Most chose the latter because finally everyone understands it's time to quit Google. 😎
Here are our favorite browser alternatives:
➡️ https://tuta.com/blog/best-private-browsers
Which one did you pick?
🦊 Firefox
🦆 DuckDuckGo
🕵️ Tor Browser
Pale Moon
GNU IceCat
Some #statistics of blenderdumbass.org this is by looking at the #useragent an estimate of the user's #browser and #operatingsystem
#GNU #Linux #Windows #iOS #Android #macOS #Firefox #Safari #Chrome #Chromium #Webdev #selfhosting
Google Chrome 的 Manifest V2 被關掉了
在「Tell HN: I just updated my wife's Chrome, and uBlock is no longer supported」這邊看到不再支援 uBlock 了 (這邊指的應該是 uBlock Origin)。
uBlock Origin 使用 Manif
#Browser #Computer #GoogleChrome #Murmuring #Network #Privacy #Software #WWW #ad #advertisement #block #blocker #chrome #google #manifest #origin #ublock #v2 #v3 #webrequest
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