No, the people who are cheering on the trade wars of tariffs that are going to drive up building supply costs, aren't my allies, as this mess is going to harm people like me, who don't have the money to hire contractors for much if anything & thusly are buying the supplies direct for our use.
I don't give a rats anus if this hurts or helps #Trump or #Biden , I care that it'll delay my home repairs & improvements!
There is no evidence, at least yet, to suggest that the air traffic controllers were at fault in the crash.
“We do not know what led to this crash, but we have some very strong opinions & ideas,” #Trump said.
He blamed the #Obama admin for the quality of air traffic controllers that Trump inherited during his 1st term, saying he needed to make sure they were of “superior intelligence.” The #Biden admin, he said, “Changed them back to lower than ever before.’
Trump has removed a member of the US National Labor Relations Board, an unprecedented move that will escalate an ongoing legal battle over the scope of the president's powers to control #FederalAgencies.
Gwynne Wilcox, who was appointed to the board by Democratic President #Biden, in a statement called her firing late Monday #illegal & said she would pursue "all legal avenues" to challenge it.
In one of the orders, entitled "Ending Radical & Wasteful Government #DEI Programs & Preferencing," #Trump accused fmr President Joe #Biden of encouraging #discrimination in "virtually all aspects of the federal government" by promoting #diversity programs.
The #DOJ has ordered its #CivilRights division to halt ANY ongoing litigation from the #Biden admin & not pursue ANY new cases or settlements, acc/to a memo sent to the temporary head of the division that was obtained by WaPo. The letter instructs Kathleen Wolfe — designated by the #Trump admin as supervisor of the division — to ensure that civil rights attorneys do not file “any new complaints, motions to intervene, agreed-upon remands, amicus briefs, or statements of interest.”
#Trump announced severe new restrictions on immigration and asylum in the United States hours after taking office.
The first effects of Trump's stance became apparent minutes after his inauguration when an app unveiled under #Biden to help process asylum seekers went offline. US media reported 30,000 people had appointments scheduled.
Sergeant Gonell sent me this picture. This is his call log. Each call is an automated Dept of "Justice" notification saying "The defendant you testified against is being released from the dept of corrections." Each defendant assaulted him.
This man's legacy will be that he sat on his hands for FOUR years and refused to protect us from what was coming. Imagine what the political climate would look like today if he had started legal proceedings immediately, instead of waiting to see if Trump would just 'go away' on his own. 🙄
Here's hoping we get a REAL primary for 2028, we can vote for someone who actually wants to protect the American people from fascism and will walk the walk. 🇺🇸