In the Shadow of the Moon is a 2019 American science fiction thriller film. Directed by Jim Mickle and written by Gregory Weidman and Geoff Tock, it stars Boyd Holbrook, Cleopatra Coleman, and Michael C. Hall. It had its world premiere at Fantastic Fest on September 21, 2019, before it was released on Netflix on September 27, 2019.
In 1988 in Philadelphia, several people simultaneously hemorrhage to death as their brains experience massive blood loss. Police officer Thomas Lockhart and his partner, Maddox, investigate the case with Lockhart's brother-in-law, Detective Holt. Lockhart concludes that the deaths are connected when he finds similar puncture wounds on each victim. Lockhart and Maddox find an assault victim with the same wounds; before dying, she describes her assailant as a black woman with a wounded hand. Lockhart and Maddox find the suspect and chase her into a subway, where she subdues Maddox. When Lockhart confronts her, the suspect reveals details about his life, including that his wife will give birth that day. She predicts her own death just prior to a struggle, which ends...