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- Embed this noticePretty much the same for me 😏 my mom had no business having kids if she was just gonna choose dead beats and live a single mom life. My brother moved out and into my grandma's when he was like 15 or 16, my guess is he couldn't stand living with her or because he beat the shit out of her then boyfriend one night. My family has always been broken since before I was born. Then she meets my step dad during the Gulf war through a pen pal thing where she sent a random letter off to be handed out randomly, she dumped her then boyfriend because he didn't want to get married or whatever the excuse was, had this guy fly out for a week, never meeting him before and bringing this random stranger into our house and immediately he begins starting to upset things like getting too involved like he was trying to be my dad but an asshole version. Then he leaves and she had fallen in love. Couple months went by and she came to me with a proposition, I was like 8 or 9 at the time and asked if I wanted to go with her to move in with him all the way in Florida so she could get married, or if I wanted to stay with my dad. I wanted to stay with my dad because I didn't want to leave my friends and family nor did I want to move to some strange place with some strange asshole I didn't even like. My dad was a drunk so he wasn't really much of a dad. Wouldn't come home after work a lot because he was out chasing women or whatever at the bar. So I had to learn how to cook for myself. He never did any of my laundry so my clothes were always dirty. I wasn't doing good in school and he wasn't really helping with that. I was basically raising myself. Then he decided I was just in the way of his personal life and told my mom "here, you take him. I'm done" and then had no choice but to get on a plane. That was my first heart break and the beginning of my chronic depression. Then I had to deal with this guy's abuse for years after. They put me on Ritalin at like 11 because I wasn't doing good in school, was depressed and maladjusted to this crazy life I was being dragged through and all that did was introduce me to getting high. Then I got drunk the first time at 15 and to me that was the solution to all my problems. I wasn't really raised by anyone but more or less an inconvenient tag along while my parents were trying to have relationships. Wasn't taught hardly anything, my brother was the only male role model in my life, so it sucks he cut us all off. I was pushed out into the real world a drunk and haven't been taught a fucking thing except just told to go get a job any job and pay my bills. From then on it was one bad decision after another, especially when I hooked up with some unsavory friends. It's no wonder I turned out the way I did and yet they've never taken accountability for it. Like they just expected me to just magically become a well adjusted successful adult without being given any of the tools or nuclear family to do so. I guess before my brother beat the shit out of my step dad couple years ago he had chewed them out about all that pertaining to me. I don't know if I'll ever see him again, he hasn't returned any of my texts. Even now these piece of shit boomers are outsourcing their parenting. They just want me out of their hair and I'm all alone in this world wondering what the fuck I'm even still doing here