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- Embed this noticeUsed to be able to do that once upon a time 😏 do you know how much skills and supplies you need to head out into the wilderness to eek out an existence? You'd need enough food and drinkable water to start with until you got a good layout of the land to observe game migration and trails to sustainably live off of them, you'd need to know exactly what plants you could eat on a regular basis and how much of it you can eat because some may be edible but contain other things that aren't good for you in larger amounts, you need to be able to construct yourself a shelter with a hard roof that can keep you warm and dry without getting moldy, you need all kinds of tools. You'd need effective weapons to defend against dangerous animals, you'd need all kinds of medicines and a knowledge of what plants can be used for medicines. You'd need a location that would have no reason for anyone to come through because you could be on someone's property, or state property, you'd need to keep your fires hidden because someone will see the smoke from far away and have someone come in and kick you out back into society for being a runaway slave. People do it on jewtube videos as a hobby, but any permanent situation is extremely difficult for most modern people who've lived in society their entire lives and mostly just know how to survive within the parameters of that. I wish it were so easy. I think eventually you'd go nuts from lack of human contact even though you may not like people for the most part, you still need at least a minimal amount for a lot of psychological reasons. It's very hard to exist in the wild unless you're trained up, in fit condition physically and mentally and have all the necessary items and knowledge.