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- Embed this notice@NonPlayableClown @dj @fedilist @koropokkur @graf @verita84
> if he stopped attacking people, especially Cozy and Witch recently, things would be hard to give him shit.
I don't know anything about whatever the current drama is, but I do know that people still complain about shit I did years ago, and I have seen it happen to graf. I've seen it happen to all kinds of people around here, r000t and Moon are pretty good examples, and I've seen it happen to people on the other side of fedi. People that want to stir shit up will use whatever they can, real or imagined.
The Beefyboys admins openly discussed doing this kind of thing in order to wreck instances, and I don't think they were unique: there are still plenty of people using any pretext they can. People make shit up, sure, but that's just one nugget in the shit sandwich.
The broader point was the shit-sandwich getting served to everyone that is trying to broaden the place, keep the place comfortable. And of course, there are the German feds pulling this shit; who knows what other countries? No one actually believes that "NAFO" was a grassroots thing.