@Radical_EgoCom @JoeChip @MikeDunnAuthor Good morning.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that we have to start from scratch like the comunards. We have plenty of examples from revolutionary struggles.
I would just argue that longevity is hardly a measure for success, because it says nothing about the political system itself, or it's applicability to todays conditions.
If we stay with the example of the Sovjet Union, I would not deny that it was long lived and also a significant improvement for the proletariats material conditions.
About sustainability, if the sovjet union would have remained a project lead by the proletariat and not just by the party, I would argue that its dissolution would have sparked another revolution immediately. But it wasn't and so the Russian people, used to rulership from above and lacking class consciousness, simply accepted the removal of one ruling class by another. With catastrophic consequences, destroying almost any achievements, made by the Sovjet Union.
That is why I don't see it as successful. They lost the masses as a conscious, self determined power, and this is a death sentence to any revolutionary struggle, regardless of the label