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- Embed this notice@plotinus_enjoyer Two main points to consider:
First point is that Saints in the Orthodox Church are saints by their virtue, not because they are infallible and always correct about every little detail. What matters is not what they say, but rather the spirit of what they say and how it fits within the complete total Orthodox system and worldview. So while we may not accept all of Saint Augustine’s theological propositions, we still respect and hold to most of what he said.
Second point is trying to fit Western secular logic into Orthodoxy is the origin of all heresy. Divine simplicity (DS), which is Orthodox, means in this case that we cannot know or understand the Divine Essence. ADS posits that anything we experience from God must be created, but the Orthodox understanding is that we can experience and take part in the real Divine Energies of God.
You comment on Divine Simplicity (DS) being no different from ADS is the inevitable conclusion using secular logic, but in our system we do not do dialectics. Just because Moses saw the Divine Energies and not the Divine Essence does not mean we say Moses did not see God, as the Charlton Heston movie would have you believe. Just because Christ had a human nature and a divine nature does not mean that he was two persons, or that Christ was created, or any other similar heresy.
Distinction does not entail division in our system, so our goal is not about finding a way to fit secular logic and models into our system, our goal is to redefine secular logic from the starting point of Revelation and incorporate it into Christianity. Just because God has a Divine Essence and Energies does not mean we believe He is with “separate parts”—we believe He has Simplicity, we just simply do not and can not under stand the Divine Essence and as such we are not justified in calling them distinct.
TL;DR: stop trying to fit Orthodoxy into secular "logic." There is a reason why we sent all the pagan philosophers into Persia.