---You wrote: "You exchange the truth about God for a lie, and worship and serve created things (like your race)..."
There it is...
Here you are, promoting the "race is a social construct" lies that are a major part of what's killing Aryan peoples.
You seem to want to be pro Aryan, but here you are, when push comes to shove, the crippling fear (ie "going to hell") & greed (ie pie in the sky after you die, desire to fit in socially while here on Earth) inculcated into you by christianity prevents you from being pro Aryan &/or anti jew
The death cult from judea is totally incompatible w/being pro Aryan (or pro any race, other than jews) same as is islam (another jew death cult).
Many have tried to de-judaize christianity & all have failed, including the Nazi's ("positive christianity")
You should be ashamed of yourself