Dont buy what you dishonestly & wrongly call "jewish historical revisionism"
According to the jew fairy tale, what's that message inscribed above jewsus's body on the cross again...?
King of the...?
King of the...who...?
"King of the jews"
That's according to what you are supposed to believe is "god's 1 true word." If you dispute that, you're not just a delusional moron hopelessly enslaved to the trashy jew christ crack drug/death cult, you're also a "blasphemer"...if you believe the jew nonsense you claim to believe
You're lying through your teeth when you say jews "hate" jewsus or saul or the rest
Why is jewsus worship tax exempt?
Why is it constantly portrayed as essentially genuine (meaning true & real) by jew hollywood? They're still pumping out films showing evil monsters repelled by the "magikal" christian cross. Why is Netflix making films positively portraying Mary jewsus's supposed jew mommy?