Where are the eyes of the public?
On the gutting and hostile takeover of the federal government?
No. On planes falling from the sky.
Trump dumped the summer water for California's growers. That water could also have been used to fight fires. That is an act of war.
It's so nice the police and military will protect us. We can always count on them. Look at how they're helping right now! Aiding Trump, I mean.
The billionaire Russian leader and the billionaire American leader with his billionaire bros club have taken aim at their enemy with intent to ethnically cleanse. It is us. Every one of us. Everyone who is not in the billionaire bros club is the enemy of the billionaire bros club. I don't care how much money you think you have. You aren't worth puke to them.
Where are the Democrats?
Where is the military?
Where are the cops?
"It will be the end of democracy," they said. What they didn't say was, "because we're not going to pull the trigger to stop it."