@LeGaosaure I like to make blankets as gifts, too, but you have to be careful if some of the yarns aren't machine-washable. Cos gift recipients can *say* they're going to only wash the blanket in the woollens cycle, and then someone forgets, and then whoops! shrunken felted blanket.
If you don't have a use for a blanket, are there other sorts of soft furnishings that you like? Cushions? bags? xmas stockings?
sometimes I knit weird little mats because I have a particular thing (e.g. a plant or a decor item) that I want to have a special and weird little mat for.
sometimes the things I knit are not good, and I just frog them and use the yarn for something else.
if some of your yarn scraps are absorbent cotton, you can knit dishcloths and hand towels and face washers.