As an older Dem woman, for me it’s the fear.
I’ve never been afraid of my gov’t before (although close to it around Vietnam/Kent State/civil rights clashes). Now I’m fearful that my core ethics & moral values will be violated by inhumane actions taken by 47 against vulnerable immigrants, people on necessary social aid, swaths of civil servants suddenly unemployed, negative mandates violating wildlife & our environment, and halted progress against the existential threat of #ClimateCrisis.
I’m afraid our constitutional republic will very soon be only an oligarchical fascist state.
I fear my reliance on Social Security, Medicare, & a federally-guaranteed reverse mortgage will be so altered as to become negligible, & that all I worked for in 61 years will be gone.
I fear our entire information system is so befouled by lies that truth itself is vanishing, particularly from official sources. Without truth there can be no common reality.
I don’t know what to do with this fear.