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Access the Ultimate Carnivorous Kibble™ that is the foundation of our powerful ℞estore™ diets with Wysong Restore™.
Like the ℞estore™ (Rx) diets, Restore™ is a complete diet for both dogs and cats. Feed it as a singular meal, nutritious treat, or as an addition and enhancement to any other meals.
The product of screening and selecting from hundreds of potential ingredients over multiple years, Restore™ achieves the genetic dietary archetype to a higher degree than any kibble form diets to date, prescription or otherwise.
Leveraging our industry-first Starch Free™ manufacturing techniques, Wysong Restore™ features a collection of top tier meat ingredients without the typical starch (carbohydrate) additions, or any junk ingredients whatsoever. (Review the ingredient list and analysis in-depth below.) Restore's™ uniquely high-quality ingredients were selected to provide natural, meat-based protein and fat, and a powerful profile of essential amino acids for maximum nutritional impact.
The closer you look at Restore™ and the more you know and understand, the more the intentions, value, and quality become apparent.
Please note: Because of the meticulous, multi-stage, time-consuming manufacturing, and (intermittent) limited ingredient supply, Restore™ may be unavoidably limited supply.