Yes, "we all know", smugly, that the Fediverse and Linux and other open software is better than corporate stuff. But people, including marginalized people, have always had to use tools and platforms and live in places that were hostile to them, and figure out a way to survive anyways.
Oh sure, you can evangelize "a better option", but don't forget that there's always tradeoffs. Many of the people you evangelize to aren't stupid. They aren't ignorant to the realities they deal with. They may have attempted to use a FOSS platform at some point in the past and had nothing but negative experiences. It was too complicated and confusing. The community was rude and mean to them. They didn't have any friends or family with them, and nobody they trusted to help them with it.
Maybe eventually they'll give it a second or third chance and stick around. Maybe they'll learn how to deal with the tools they're familiar with. But they might not. And much like the millions and millions of people who are living in places that are hostile to them, they figure out how to survive one way or another, because it's just too difficult and too expensive and too risky to move. And that's okay, they don't deserve the abuse and condescending attitudes just because they've made different evaluations of the risks and rewards than you did.