@ianb @larsmb No no no. Hang on there Ian.
You are making a big ol' claim there and you're trying to hand-wave it away. Not letting that slide.
*Yes* LO does tables. You can create and edit tables in LO Writer.
I have no bloody idea what "tables in the same way you have them in Excel" means. Be specific and concrete. I don't know what you do in Excel.
I stopped using MS Office when Office 2007 came out. No blasted idea what it's done since then. I have been using LO Calc since that time, pretty much exclusively.
I am happy to say I've never wanted to take a range of a LO Calc spreadsheet and paste it into a LO Writer doc. I've not done that kind of thing since the 20th century. I'd expect it to work, though.
Are you talking about _pivot tables_ in Excel? For me they have always been part of the extra-20% Pareto Principle bloat: I've never wanted it, never used it, can't imagine why I ever would.