Bit difficult to believe that #LibreOffice Sheets doesn't have a native function for converting Unix timestamps to dates, or accept "Unix timestamp" as a date format.
LibreOffice does have a "Tables" menu entry. But that refers to adding another sheet to your workbook; it does NOT provide functionality analogous to Excel´s tables. And I agree that those are an important feature.
In happier news, LibreOffice definitely does have pivot tables.
You are making a big ol' claim there and you're trying to hand-wave it away. Not letting that slide.
*Yes* LO does tables. You can create and edit tables in LO Writer.
I have no bloody idea what "tables in the same way you have them in Excel" means. Be specific and concrete. I don't know what you do in Excel.
I stopped using MS Office when Office 2007 came out. No blasted idea what it's done since then. I have been using LO Calc since that time, pretty much exclusively.
I am happy to say I've never wanted to take a range of a LO Calc spreadsheet and paste it into a LO Writer doc. I've not done that kind of thing since the 20th century. I'd expect it to work, though.
Are you talking about _pivot tables_ in Excel? For me they have always been part of the extra-20% Pareto Principle bloat: I've never wanted it, never used it, can't imagine why I ever would.
@lproven@larsmb No, tables, not pivot tables. Excel allows you to mark a data set as a table. This then allows you to sort the data while keeping it coherent, so each line remains the same. (There’s more to it, such as filtering, etc) Make sense? It’s the most commonly used feature in Excel for most people using excel - basically it’s using Excel as a simple database with each line as a “record”.