#Capitalism Explained...
#Quotes from @freemo conversations in digestible bullet points...
💬 ✒️ Capitalism (free markets), in it's correct meaning, is not a rule so much as an ideological guideline, and in reality should be in a #mix of many things, where #capitalism is only an #influence of *some* things (not all).
💬 ✒️ We don't live in a country that is a pure capitalism, or even much of a capitalism at all...
Right now we don't have free markets, and that's the point.
💬 ✒️ Not only is it not a free market, but it is quite far away from being one.
All-in- version...
💬 ✒️ We also shouldn't strive for capitalism (free markets) as the default, it's not a rule so much as an ideological guideline, and the reality should be a mix of many things, where capitalism is only an influence.
3 Capitalism (free markets) Tips:
☑️ is a way of doing things as a guideline - and not for everything to be done in this way.
☑️ Capitalism isn't a binary word to say government is or isn't Capitalism since it's mixed.
☑️ #Plutocracy probably as better word.
#Plutocracy as a best word to replace Capitalism maybe.
Capitalism perhaps does not mention the rich explicitly -
specifically the rich is perhaps more what people mean sometimes! 💰 🤑
(Plutocracy = #political #system governed by the #wealthy people)
Perhaps "Capital" in the word also helps people not see or assume centralization rather than the many versions, including Free Market version which is important next to the word as a kind of sub-type of it"
🔗 Capitalism (free markets)