@Chronic-Yonic https://thecritic.co.uk/the-liberal-establishment-is-to-blame-for-public-outrage/
Imagine if, in Britain, there was an ethnic minority that was legally disadvantaged when applying for jobs and university places. This same group is regularly denounced in the press, ridiculed online and mocked by comedians. Imagine that their history is rewritten by academics, who represent them as villains and monsters. When they engage in protest, whether online or in the streets, state responses are swift and disproportionate. Indeed, imagine that so hated and reviled is this minority, that their daughters can be raped and prostituted, and the police do nothing. Not only that, but when the minority group complains or takes action, the police go after them, and they are accused of spreading dangerous misinformation.
For years, Pakistani rape gangs were allowed to prey upon vulnerable white children, and nobody lifted a hand to stop it. Not the police, who dismissed victims as sluts. Not the social workers who tolerated and sometimes facilitated the abuse. Not the Home Office, that failed to deport most of the men convicted of paedophilic rape, including the ringleader of the Rochdale grooming gang. Not the local councils that covered it up. Not the media that attacked those who sounded the alarm as racists and fabulists. Not the government, which did nothing, other than opening the borders and ordering police to go after “online hate speech”. There are those who try to explain these actions as a tragic error, borne of the “noble” goal of protecting the Pakistani community from racial hatred. There are many problems with this idea. For one, if there is a particular culture in this country that tolerates its young men engaging in racialised sexual abuse, then it deserves to be criticised, until it has changed its ways and acted. When the Catholic Church was revealed to have covered up and allowed abuse, deep and searching questions were asked.