Service Model is a 2024 satirical science fiction novel by British author Adrian Tchaikovsky. The novel tells the story of a robotic valet who murders his own master, and further explores the robot's journey to discover a reason for existence during the collapse of human society.
Charles is a robotic valet. One day, he finds that he has murdered his master with a shaving razor; he has no memory of the event. Charles is sent to Diagnostics. Along the way, he notices that human society appears to be in complete collapse. At Diagnostics, the robot now known as Uncharles meets the Wonk. The Wonk tells Uncharles that he has developed free will and has murdered his master to escape slavery, explaining his earlier “malfunction”.
The robotic employees of Diagnostics are experiencing an extreme degree of inefficiency due to the lack of human overseers. Because they are unable to fix Uncharles, they attempt to destroy him. Uncharles and the Wonk escape with the help of a group of librarian robots.
Uncharles goes to the Conservation Farm Project, where he hopes to find employment. At the Farm, Uncharles finds a society...