@Verfassungsschmutz @Crux_Invictus @Frondeur @SuperSnekFriend @10yand5hand400t That was a part of mine, only it wasn't my parents (they were fairly pious people and really tried to raise me with God in my life) but the other people. Imagine seeing the elders try to block a Chili's from opening in county limits because they serve alcohol only to see half the church there every Sunday afternoon for lunch. Or seeing people "speaking in tongues" and "slain in the spirit" during a two hour long praise and worship session— evidence that someone was filled with the Holy Spirit and was a real Christian— act like everybody else when at school. They still bullied and picked on kids, partied, did drugs and drank, had premarital sex, etc. all while talking crap about other Christians because for 'not being real Christians'. I didn't feel what they felt and didn't want to act two faced, which meant I wasn't a real Christian by their definition. Messed me up enough to make me run from God.