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- Embed this noticeevery time I ever worked I was the laziest piece of shit for a reason or trying to keep niggers frmo doing the FUCKING STUPIDEST EHIT
I had one jump in front of a fucking garage door, and another stupid fat fuck who wanted to use a circular saw like a drooling retard, we called that fucking subtard "Elvis Prestly" because of how fucking stupid he held it and how likely he was going to cut the cord or someone's dick off.
All of consturuction is just niggerbabysitting or fucking playing "Hunt Down The Hispanics" as you find out some fucking contractor piece of shit hired spics to do framing and they didn't evne bother to fucking line shit up and level it and just fucking called it. It's oo fucking stupid. RETARDED>.. I am glad that industry doesn't want to hire me anymore... well Is ay that but it's relaly the fact that the union isn't hiring and I don't trust a fucking contractor wroth a damnmn. Scum of the earth pieces of shit