Embed Notice
Corresponding Notice
- Embed this noticeI've given many, but I suppose some are too abstract for you, or you choose to disregard them instead of adding them up
here's a concrete scenario with some of the small and not so small ones that add up,:
say you give in a buy a snooping device and install the app that provides you with access to some service you wish, that you used to get on a web site using a browser of your choice on a computer of your choice
at some point in the future, long before the new device becomes too old and dies, the service provider discontinues support for that version of the operating system, and the supplier of that operating system won't provide upgrades, and the device is locked up so you can't get an upgrade from a third party.
so now you have a device that could work for you, but was turned into a dead weight, it no longer fulfills the reason you bought it for because of supplier's whims, you have to buy a new one with all the environmental and monetary cost that implies, and take the old one to pollute a landfill somewhere
now multiply this by all the different services you might wish, with all their whimful suppliers; by some 7bi people who have been led to carry such devices and have to upgrade them every few years, and if you think that alone is not a serious problem, I don't think I want to talk to you any more
and these few issues are just the tip of the iceberg. take some time away from the brain-rotting device and do some thinking about the many other more abstract scenarios, and help us make things better