> is really lax guns laws and nigh on no restrictions the correct route to take?
Absolutely, when you are surrounded with psychotic people trying to kill eachother and even the police force, if you call them, are more likely to shoot you or your dog than to fix any problems, then absolutely guns are needed, they are the only thing we have left for the mentally healthy people to protect themselves. Meanwhile with 3d printed guns being available to virtually anyone with a few extra bucks its not like making them illegal will keep them out of the hands of the bad people.
> It’s like saying “I know you are mentally ill, it isn’t really your fault. Here, would you like a gun?”
Its more like saying "I know these mentally ill people will disregard the laws no matter what, but we wont tie the hands of the few responsibile people to be able to protect themselves"..
> I mean, I don’t see how handing out guns to whoever wants one, including mentally ill people, isn’t part of the issue
Because mentally ill people have access to weaponry regardless, anyone can make a pipe bomb, people have made fully automatic guns on youtube out of a bed frame with just a welder... so you arent helping anything by restricting the law abiding people when the non-lawabiding people will have access (and the ability to make weaponry) regardless.