Cookbook browsing today.... Part 1
Being a Lazy Day, I am browsing 2 cookbooks today.
The first one I got down from the shelves this morning because of a convo I had yesterday after I posted about the green almonds. I wanted to check some things. It is a book of Lebanese preserves.
🌟 #Mouneh, by Barbara Abdeni Massaad
This is the most beautiful of books, large, glossy, beautiful photos, full of stories of life in Lebanon, and full of recipes. I adore it, and it is beautiful to browse today and read more of the stories. They include personal stories of past strifes in Lebanon and how it impacted family life. There will be quality time spent with this book today.
You can tell I adore this book. They have another, #Manoushe, also excellent, but not quite as stunning as this book.
#CookbookBrowsing #Cookbooks #LebaneseFood #Vegetarian #Preserving #food #BarbaraMassaad