I don't know how Yunohost works, but if possible I'd host my DNS somewhere separate from my web hosting.
I love not putting all my eggs in one basket. For example, you may find a reason to move away from Yunohost at some point. Having your DNS hosted there would mean having to set it all up somewhere else again. Hosting it independently avoids this.
I use deSEC, a DNS provider that runs on 100% open source software, with full support for DNSSEC. They have a friendly support community too, if you need help with anything. The UI is modelled on Google's Material design, so easy to understand. They also provide a dynamic DNS service, although only on custom domains.
It's donation supported, so effectively pay what you want.
Regardless of who you use for DNS hosting, you need to pay attention to the syntax, as this can wildly differ per provider. This may trip you up when following online tutorials! For example, some require a . at the end of a domain name, others may not.