@Nudhul @sun yeah #ChrisHedges does some pretty good work, he's actually a minister, went to a divinity school iirc. is a shame he left RT in feb2024 but is sorta understandable, but he moved to some nasty places designed to mass surveil everyone and i had to stop following.
also its a shame that mike papantino(?), a lawyer, left RT too. he would do a lot of reporting on bigpharma, wall street, policy amkers and bigtech (basically the corporate state as chris hedges calls them). He'd report on how they were being criminal and criminally negligent etc. i think they stopped airing during covid, which is a bit suss when i think about it.
theres good ppl in all these professions but theyre choked out, i'd argue by people who are really just very good at corrupting others, call it the #corporateState , the money ststem etc