@liztai Ha! I cannot let this go unchallenged! ;-)
Plot twist: Fangs of Fortune is about the same topic. It contrasts the two main "opponents"* by this - one is able to rid himself of obsession, self-importance and hatred, even if it is meant to be his fate to be the vessel for the 'malicious energy' of the world - the other is destroying everyone and everything in his path because he can't give up his obsession with being slighted by the human world.
*(opponents in "..." because they also used to be best friends who still feel deeply for each other)
I also want to humbly say that there *are* people in the West who understand and value the Buddhist worldview. ^^
I think I feel drawn to the style of FoF because I like mannerism in art and movies, aestheticism is not a slur in my book. ^^ My understanding of art/movies was shaped among others by David Lynch's films and I learned to decode symbolism as deeply meaningful - while to others it may seem artsy nonsense. Yet, symbolism and style is also still deeply personal.
While we still get a set of specific cultural norms in our education in different parts of the world, our age is so full of access to knowledge and material from around the world that I think it's not easy to determine why a certain style appeals to people from a certain culture. For example, droves of 30-somethings in Germany grew up with Manga and Manga/Anime culture and Japanese video games. They have a completely different understanding of Eastern culture than people just 10 years their seniors. I guess I'm an outlier being 20 years older even and still started reading Manga and getting interested in Asian culture around my 20s. 😆 But we're here, we definitely exist. 😏