@slashdottir general opinions: 1. The political -ism matters less than you think to what actually happens. 2. USD is way overvalued.
Manufacturing always migrates to where their profits can be maximized. This is not necessarily determined by the political -ism and doesn't mean that they are going to lower their prices.
Labor is poorly paid because it can be. Big business is more effective at wielding power and getting governments *of all flavors* to do them favors. Labor rights on paper, be it a US law or a socialist constitution, are worth nothing if they are not enforced with seriousness, and the trend everywhere has been for those in power to permit those rights to erode.
The premium paid for the US Dollar is insane. Everything is just expensive in the US. This seems destined to end, but it has already gone on longer than I thought it would. Compared to Warsaw, buying stuff in the US costs 4x as much and the quality is absolute shit.
* A strong dollar should make imported goods cheaper. And yet living here is still very, very expensive.