ok this is a very specific weird silly example byt its just to illustrate my point
lets say a gay person does a sick skateboard trick
straight people can enjoy that (its very sick after all )
now , if the skater goes “im very gay and i learned to skate bc i dodnt have any friends bc i was gay “
now . in this situation
gay people saying “this is a cool piece of Gay Culture “ doesnt exclude straight ppl from participating and enjoying
on the other hand , straight ppl going “who cares this isnt gay , gayness has nothing to do with this its just a cool trick” is excluding queerness from this discussion , taking away a good example of public gay exposure from queer people , thus erasing both visibility and achievements , and “appropriating” it ina way
nkt that thjs doesnt change if the skater didnt say he was gay , if in this weird world skating was seen as a queercoded activity
death of the author n such