This commercial from 17 years ago for a vitamin supplement tablet called Airborne should have alerted us to wearing masks. I never thought of it at the time.
The product's assumption is that humans contract viruses while traveling on crowded flights so they need to boost their immune system.
When the product hit the market, I recall a lot of head nodding and a general agreement that people get sick when they fly. That is why the product gained popularity.
Flash forward to today. The same people who probably bought Airborne (and maybe still do) as a pre-flight ritual, don't mask during flights, casting doubt on how the phrase "avoid it like the plague" ever came into existence.
I'm with you. I mask on flights. When the plane is stuck on the tarmac and the cabin gets hot and stuffy (which has happened on 7 of my last 7 flights), that is when I am grateful to have one on.
If you need Airborne, you need a mask.