@IAMAL_PHARIUS @_Seraphim_ Maybe.
Trump (along with many Americans) certainly has a legit beef with European/NATO spending on defense or lack thereof. Threatening to pull out of NATO based on that is entirely appropriate now, and if they reverse policy (Labour won't, Germany can't without reversing on Russian gas) that would of course have them spending more with the US military industrial complex. But its silly to blame everything on the 1950/60s MIC trope when social spending has completely overwhelmed it.
And only so much US MIC spending because they have their own, including a number of good or good enough items, and for some time a good part of the US MIC is capacity limited. There's a few other non-Combloc or former Combloc players as well, South Korea for example has state of the art artillery, good tanks, and defined a new state of the art by creating self-sharpening tungsten kinetic kill tank ammo, vs. depleted uranium like the US uses.
Another major tension is that Europe has literally declared Musk to be public enemy #2, and Trump or Team Trump has remarked that such an action based on free speech is incompatible with us staying allies.
In general, to the extent Trump can rein in the US Deep State on population repression, the distance between the US and Europe will grow to the point we truly won't be compatible for this sort of thing, absent a big bad like the Evil Empire. "Putler" just isn't credible as such.
Another big problem is that France and the U.K. especially are rapidly turning Muslim, and that's not going to fly even if you don't count AIPAC and company. I've been wondering if and when we'll start sabotaging the U.K.'s nukes when they send them to us for tritium replenishment.