After a week the smell is making real estate prices go down so the cops send in their model 451 boston dynamics murder dog to subdue the robot.
The dog ruptures the robots battery and the house is set on fire.
The murder dog walks out covered in soot. The cops mistake it for a real dog and shoot it. Nothing happens to the robot dog but boston dynamics sues the department for $300,000,000. The cop is promoted to seargent so he cant do any more harm and the cost of the law suit is taken from the local school budget.
Your mother's body is seized by tesla techs because it was involved in damaging a tesla product.
You hold a rememberence gathering instead of a funeral because you cant get her body back. Tesla sues you for defaming them at a public gathering.
You cant pay the $ so tesla makes you an indentured worker and ships you to the congo to mine lithium for robot batteries.
When you ask the foreman why the robots arent doing the mining they take away your gruel ration for the day