System Package Data Exchange (SPDX, formerly Software Package Data Exchange) is an open standard capable of representing systems with digital components as bills of materials (BOMs). First designed to describe software components, SPDX can describe the components of software systems, AI models, software builds, security data, and other data packages. SPDX allows the expression of components, licenses, copyrights, security references and other metadata relating to systems.
The original purpose of SPDX was to improve license compliance, and it has since been expanded to facilitate additional use cases such as supply-chain transparency and security. SPDX is authored by the community-driven SPDX Project involving key industry experts, organizations, and open-source enthusiasts under the auspices of the Linux Foundation.
The SPDX specification is recognized as the international open standard for security, license compliance, and other software supply chain artifacts as ISO/IEC 5962:2021. The current version of the standard is 3.0.
Version 2.x
The SPDX 2.x standard defines an SBOM...