@Turkleton @Humpleupagus @eee Israel not helping the Ukraine is implied, not contradicted, by Israel wanting to give up on its fictitious claims to the Levant for its real claims to Khazaria. In an Israel-style colonization of Ukraine, the #1 enemy are the Ukrainians currently occupying the land. For Ukraine to slowly lose a war of attrition is clearing those people off the land.
There will still be the #2 enemy, the Russians increasingly occupying the land, but fortuitously for any Israel-style colonization
- the west is still big bad about Russia and willing to assist
- Russia is somewhat cucked on Israel and already has one Jewish autonomous province
- Russia was never interested in conquest and under the right circumstances might even welcome an Israeli migration as some kind of buffer and some kind of continued denazification (which sounds insane to me given how Israel’s behaving, but they certainly say that they oppose Nazis)
And if the Khazaria claims are a 1500s fiction, so what? We’re talking about Israel here.