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Mercurial "The Game" Black (merc@lab.nyanide.com)'s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2024 18:53:19 JSTMercurial "The Game" Black @meso @theorytoe @nishi
To nishi@nishi.boats
9/14/24, 16:16
An apology of some kind.
Hey, it's me.
That one chilean who you've once shamed for stealing HTML code. I'm here to apologize for all the bad shit I've done in the past. As of now, I no longer blatantly steal site layouts, nor do I go apeshit over petty crap.
I've since grown as a person, and matured the same way as well. I don't browse that chomo-filled mess of an imageboard "Heyuri" anymore, nor do I link imageboards like it on my site. I've learned from my mistakes, and I really needed that change of heart.
Hopefully you'll be fine with me turning over a new leaf,
and hopefully gogo would as well. (if you forward this to him, at least.)
I'm now okay with Serbian nationalists, and I do respect them as of now, at
If Dushman's okay with me, then why can't you or gogo do the same?
Just in case you or gogo are fine with me after this apology, feel free to add me on XMPP.
My JID is tsubosama@xmpp.jp, in case.<br>
If you can, feel free to forward this to your other buds, in case. Spread the word.
I hope you're doing okay, and so is gogo.
Thanks, and here's my current site, in case.