Any concrete examples?
There is a whole scientific literature on the systematic failures of the peer review model colloquially known as The Replication Crisis.
I think it's fair to say people smugly clapping back with "trust the science" who lack sufficient epistemic depth to even be aware of the replication crisis, much less have a cogent response to its salient critiques are just engaged in vapid sloaganeering, not intellectual discourse.
I think Luke's point is that for some of us, the replication crisis papers merely confirmed (and to be fair, quantified) what was already clear from Feynman's Cargo Cult Science model.
I don't think this is the defining cleft between right and left, I find Haidt's moral foundations theory to be persuasive. But it is the case that broad swaths of 'the left' are actively out-grouping anyone who strays from strict ideological conformity. So people like dave rubin and barri weiss who were firmly on the left until they used an independent mental model to go "now hold on, that doesn't really make sense" got completely exercised from the left and painted as "far right" despite having 90+% policy alignment with the median 2012 Obama voter.