@BeAware At first, it's expected. However, we have to try. If it won't fly, then it means, at least as far as the “Decentralized, Distributed, Federated, Open, Network” ( #DDFON ) space is concerned, they don't care if the “migrants” redefine things.
It happened before… #Web3 was, and still is, about the #OpenSocialWeb but it was hijacked by #cryptocurrency people. And to solidify their control over what “Web3” means, these same people campaigned that OpenSocialWeb is actually Web3.0 (with the point-0 included). And voila, we lost control over “Web3”.
It's happening again, with the term “Fediverse” this time. Ironically, some who were being lumped under the “Fediverse” terminology are resisting (like #NOSTR and #ATproto, they prefer to use #NOSTRich and #ATmosphere respectively).
But, again, like I said introducing a new term has its positives, like in the example I mentioned re: “Baybayin” vs “Surat”/“Suyat”. The latter became the commonly accepted umbrella term instead of the former.
It's all about the community. Remember, just a few years ago, the discussion about replacing the term “fediverse” were so common. Yet, when people suggested replacements, no one supported any. It was all complaints, and those who took steps eventually gave up.
Maybe I will give up one day. Or, maybe not.
LOL. “DDFON”, I've been using that since, I think 2012/2013? And it was only a year or two ago that someone said they like it better than all the other “proposals”. :p