@freemo @khird @barefootstache
3 things.
1/ Adding Disclaimer to QOTO regardless of what they do...
What they do Freemo is not what we're only looking at. We do our bit and say about consent and say so to others 'this' is what we do and don't want- if they ignore it or not that's on them and us telling them is our responsibility and sign on the door THAT THEY DO NOT HAVE CONSENT.
I don't understand people who don't mention something and then complain after. The fact that that massive companies are ignoring things SUCKS for us but THIS KIND OF LOGIC SUCKS not to put it,
As far from the imagination is possible, being clear helps a whole lot more. Anyone looking back in time will just say "They never expressed their dissatisfaction or did any effort to repel such a thing" - it might never go into law, but looking back they will say "there's nothing there to suggest they even cared!" and "they never said anything even near to that effect"
So yes it does count freemo and have value to users - we're not just looking only at what they do - but how we express and conduct things. Please add...
"No consent given for commercial usage of data anywhere on QOTO, including scrapeing/taking/using/processing anything in any way. You must get express consent from each user personally for such permission or data usage."
Can you enable searching of our posts again from search bar ?
And acknowledge it's been disabled for months without comment on that?
You remember when first upgrading you gave updates almost daily. And then after the long weekend realised it not happening?
Why did you stop the updates?
It could be I'm not seeing things but where have you continued to put those (if so?) even if to say "it still hasn't happened and why.
From my point of view THIS kind of not saying for ages AGAIN is poor work... so I'm looking to give you more credit but you can also skip this part too as it's just more work (and you stick to whatever you're doing which is not clear).
3 points here.