@silverpill all the cryptos have tradeoffs, the issue with monero is an inflation bug may lay hidden for a long time. also i'm unaware of any layer 2 for monero that would help it scale, but ive not had a chance to research as much as i'd like.
bitcoin is as private as a person makes it, if a person is to lazy to think about privacy and declares to the world they own coins then that's their choice, i actually don't mind the mildly traceable aspect of it, it gives people an incentive to think about operational privacy and not just blockchain privacy. i think its good for holding govts accountable too, people should see what they are doing.
i know that bitcoin Core (layer 1) can operate over tor and i2p but btcpayserver (L2) operates over tor and i don't know if it operates over i2p, if it does support i2p then i'd be super supportive of mitra being compatible with the btcpayserver api.
if #btcpayserver doesn't do i2p i'd personally give priority to that.