Yes, gray jedi has at least 3 definitions :D
1) A jedi that left the order, but is still a jedi
2) A jedi, that slightly touches dark side techniques
3) a ducking Ying yang jo jo, that balances to be cancerous to the existence "just right" to not become insane.
It's like saying, that you're not a drug addict, since you're taking heroin just once a month, and you can stop whenever you want.
> I wouldn't say that the Dark Side is bad necessarily
Yes, it is. It is literally a cancer to the life itself. It must never be allowed, and the problem all force sensitive people have is, that they are truly cut from the possibility of not controling themselves, since the consequences are wide reaching.
The force itself is the God. And while the light side is accepting it's will, allowing you to become the wessel that allows the life to be channeled through you, the dark side is based on selfish abuse of this connection. There is nothing good about it.
> because there are force users that use Dark Side techniques like Force Lightning that aren't necessarily evil, right?
Yeah, keep series running long enough, and it will always come up woth exceptions to exceptions just to make some fan fic a reality. :akko_sad: