@freemo The human problem you know is my thing as humans themselves need fixing / caring for / sorting out... and I don't think I've heard anything of that in there of that focus...
BONUS audio version might help as your read this, or download it anyway and let me know what you think as well as this text!
So to continue my judgement about what our business can be is naturally disappointed a bit from just hearing another data type thing in and out, who cares about people, and ok a bit of open source and ethics as company. But not as the main training or conversion (people themselves coming out better, using people and spiralling others into similar better ways and practices, using all other open-sources projects etc).
So asking me of the end goals I see on my side - it's love and friendship with the world - but the mid-goals are something more of the working with each other and on each others troubles... on the dreams even... more the deep diving stuff more than raw numbers and "business".
If what you said genuinely is without logic and emotional training of people or not trying to sort out people out humanly and demonstrating that better - then it means you're just dealing with the same things again, computers and data which are not really solving things or more going to solve it for the wrong people / those paying - so the misunderstanding of people / devaluation / competition and aggression frustration / together etc remains unchanged and as time goes on worse / decaying unless we actually grow people up together (us included but in pyramid of knowledge or various power).
Honestly my hope is that you actually train people to feeling more at ease with themselves and others, and make this the actual work to spiral all that more than AI data, more the human collective intelligence, p2p and less making other stuff the business of selling / extraction / storing data.... which when it goes leave less skilled people perhaps...
I don't want to sound like I doubt you but honestly everything in business seems to measurably fuel those war like things, same entities that don't care and allowed you to create a company in the first place as a sub-directory or sub-directory under them, so if they are not caring (USA caring?) then your company is also limited as athe parent 'company' - I just think we could have more fun with people enjoying this time of focus and changing each other than falling for serving bad parents and masters.. at least a warmer exchange rather than raw data somewhere behind closed doors.
You will be rich I'm sure, but not the right kind of rich... as those who pay for it are going to be the ones playing people off each other / war since it's already based on that as fake/debt-based games which uncaring banks and governments have undoubtedly made... Your 'company' will surely be part of that... so the conversion of humans is what I mean here... not easy to explain but easy to see as communication is not great on many levels or genuine... and that is a good start not able to be done without real focus as if good communication and friendship was our real business...
Put another way - if we are *not dealing with people's own problems* or training then we are surely losing heat and warmth by people... especially when there are many ready to divide and conquer us. People are the main problem and puzzle and key to loving-making friends - neither computers or computing, nor data is going to help that much...
and I think the past says that though Fediverse as a non-profit I think can really do well as p2p warmth and getting on with each other things as the real work in the world... ✊
Emotional intelligence and other words uncommon involved I can help with...which I think is more effective as data and science as that is not touching on any of that. What humanity needs os more of the humanity itself / the good people / you - rather than more of the same "business" and tax which is just used to rob people / devalue / divide them using their own hard work...
Perhaps my main judgement that *nobody* is really doing this fixing of people / schooling / daily helping everyone / using us as resources towards more of the same... and adjustment from previous unschooling... because frankly money and even data is not enough....
Will post and re-read later but appreciate the answer that I think will kill off my other questions if you have some counters to how your potential work can make things better in the world (which seems is people more than anything).