@sgf @astrid @lily oh my god what, no, i've never heard of this nonsense? what the hell?
like half of all the one-digit integers are Fibonnaci numbers
0 ✅ sort of
1 ✅✅
2 ✅
3 ✅
4 ❌
5 ✅
6 ❌
7 ❌
8 ✅
9 ❌
it's hardly a surprise that the 5 and the 8 hit, and the 13 is just those added together so that one's free
and that's assuming you count from C. what if you're playing in C#? Then an octave has six black notes and seven white notes, those aren't Fibonacci numbers! there are three non-fibonacci numbers lower than 9 and you've hit two of them.
why do all the maths cranks focus purely on ϕ and cantor's diagonalisation theroem