I once worked at a company that suddenly asked me to be on call.
I said that I'd be happy to discuss a new contract that reflected this new requirement and my boss said to take the phone first. I explained that my contract said my salary is based on a 40 hour workweek, and I'd want to discuss exactly what on call terms would exist- when I'd be on call (him: "All the time") how that would effect my weekends and vacations (him: "We'll figure that out"), what the expectation for my response time would be (him: We'll play it by ear).
I said that sounded like I'd always be working, so then I'd want to take my current salary based on 40 hours a week and adjust it for now being expected to be working 168 hours a week.
He kept insisting we'll "figure it out later" and I said we'd figure it out before I accepted the phone.
I quit a few weeks later.