@miriamrobern @Specialist_Being_677 yeah like as long as your breast growth has done the part where it spreads out from the bud to the full plate shape i think its generally ok. The only thing they have on why wait a year is just precaution because they gave synthetic progestins (medroxyprogesterone acetate) in extremely large doses (compared to the body weight) of rabbits which caused issues with growth where it caused overgrowth in odd ways but medroxy is known to do that in a way that micronised bioidentical progesterone doesnt. Same reason why medroxy and other synthetics have warnings about breast cancer while bio-prog doesnt.
So yeah like the amount women and nonbinary people take for hrt is tiny by comparison, youd have to be pumped full of prog to compare it to the rabbit study, and also yeah its a different chemical.