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- Embed this noticeMonero goes up at a slow phase, while Haven goes up rapidly again.
Meanwhile, Pirate Chain, Dero, and Equilibria remain at the same spot, or otherwise go down.
Despite Jeff Berwick and the Crypto Vigilante guys making golden promises about the 3, despite saying that Haven is technically the privacy Luna (not anymore now that they've detached themselves from xUSD), and Jeff in particular having tried to undermine Monero a few times before (and then came back to it again each time).
Meanwhile, Jeff is still entirely into New Age, posts screenshots of decade old articles claiming like if it's right now, reports on farmer protests and food shortages that nobody actually on the ground in these areas have actually seen anywhere.
Loli frog spent lots of time in the Netherlands throughout her Schengen business trip, and has never seen a single farmer protest, and never seen food shortages anywhere.
Other friends in other European countries neither found any evidence of what he claims anywhere.
This is why I don't take them as seriously anymore.