As (partially unrelated) side note, if we see the “big picture”, we have no full “bodily autonomy”, because we live in a society influencing what we eat, drink and breathe, i.e. many things that affects our body and our health are influenced a lot by laws and society behavior, and not only from our direct choices.
I guess it depends on what “incluenced” means.. like ok so there are ads and easy access to shitty food. But those incluences arent a lack of bodily autonomy, I can choose to ignore the ads, I can choose not to buy the shitty stuff.
That said I think there is some truth to that, especially when we consider poorer people who really have no choice but to stick garbage in their body because healthy eating tends to cost more.
It is an eternal balance between how much we are single entities or parts of a group. IMHO, in many cases vaccines require to act like a group, and not as an individual, because with our behavior we are influencing other people.
I tend to view people as having a choice what influences them. We pick our influences, where we look and what we choose. You are only as part of the group as much as you choose to be.. that said I do recognize there are certain things that effect us we dont have control over.