@acsawdey @MLE_online @madrush What I want is an EV that's built like an 1980s American / recent-ish European pickup (big enough bed to carry a sheet of plywood or drywall, but not 3m high and weighing as much as a herd of elephants).
Something able to drive on dirt logging / forest service roads without getting stuck or scraping the underside, but low enough that I won't run over a small car without seeing it.
Ideally with a front bench seat so my wife and kid (when she's old enough to be out of a child seat at least) can all fit without needing an extended cab.
And as dumb and mechanical as possible (mechanical steering, no / easily removable telematics, ideally no touchscreen, as a minimum no touchscreen interaction required for normal in-motion vehicle controls like climate control).
Too bad it doesn't exist and probably never will.